2007 B.F.A Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, BC Canada 2002 Diploma, Illustration, Sheridan College, ON Canada 1999 Certificate Art Fundamentals, Sheridan College, ON Canada |
2008 Circle Craft Scholarship Exhibition- Vancouver 2008 Figurative Ceramics –Selections from the Permanent Collection- Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2008 Woodfire Ceramics - Selections from the Permanent Collection, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2007 Craftshow-Reminiscent Inventions Concourse Gallery, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, BC 2007 University of Washington Exchange Exhibition, Seattle 2007 Featured monthly emerging artist- April, BC Potters Guild 2006 Inhabitation, Concourse Gallery, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver |
2008 Figurative Ceramics –Selections from the Permanent Collection- Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2008 Woodfire Ceramics - Selections from the Permanent Collection, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2007 Craftshow-Reminiscent Inventions Concourse Gallery, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, BC |
DPI Magazine- Interview and photos-Taiwan, June 2008 Vancouver Lifestyles Magazine Shopping Guide- Summer 2007 BC Potters Guild Newsletter, - Auction Announcement (photograph), Feb 2007 Featured Artist Diesel Jeans New Art www.diesel.com |