Mary-Ann Liu


2000 Post Graduate Certificate in Digital Arts & Interactive Media, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver
1984 Banff Centre, Figurative Narrative Workshop
1983 Sculpture, Animation, Drawing, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver
1980 3rd year Fine Arts, Historical Techniques, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
1979 Diploma – Fine Arts, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver
1977 Banff Art Centre, Pottery and Glaze Technology

Solo Exhibitions

2007 Vancouver, BC - Doodle Does It, Elliott Louis Gallery
2000 Ottawa, ON - The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
1992 Vancouver, BC - The Dragon Lanterns of Vancouver Chinatown
1992 Chicago, Ill. USA - The Dragon Lanterns of Chicago Chinatown
1987 Vancouver, BC - Carl The Doorman

2001 Sculpting Canada's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Documentary), Co-Producer
1989 And the Word Was God (Experimental Art Video), Art Director
1988 10,000 Years of Good Advice (Experimental art video), Co-Producer

Commissions & Public Acquisitions

The Federal Government of Canada
City of Vancouver
City of Chicago
The Royal Bank of Canada
The Dragon Boat Races Society
Ministry of the Environment
Inn at the Quay, New Westminster
Mt. St. Joseph Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital


1984 Banff Centre Scholarship


1997 BC Parks / Ministry of the Environment, Sculptor / Designer: Permanent and traveling tree models of
realistic Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, with realistic animal habitation features as a teaching aid
1994 Vancouver Island Trout Hatchery, Sculptor: Tiny the Giant Trout - twenty times life size realistic
Rainbow Trout interactive educational station to demonstrate the necessities of the survival needs of
a Rainbow Trout in the wild

Production Design

2004 Eve & The Fire Horse, Firehorse Prod. (Feature Film)
2004 Paper Moon Affair, Paper Moon Prod. (Feature Film)
1998 Hanging Out, National Film Board of Canada
1996 New York Tempest, United Film & Video (TV Series )
1996 Enemy Amongst Us, Illusions Entertainment (Feature Film)