When I am asked what informs my art I usually begin with my mixed background. On my mother's side the Wuikinuxv and Klahoose people have been artists since time immemorial. My use of traditional iconography is linked to my D.N.A. My mother has been stalwart in her support for my development as an artist and has helped me connect to my roots on the west coast. From my father I learned about meticulously working with wood and discovering its many uses and re-uses, which has helped me immensely with my studies in carving.
When I look at images of Northwest Coast box designs, ceremonial masks or of carved depictions of Indian Agents from turn of the century, I see that the artists from those times were illustrating their current realities and experiences with the spiritual. I hope to remain connected and manifest the visions I see with my work, while focusing on the past, present and future of our art. My work explores colour and form, yet also remains consistent with traditional structure, which has been passed down now for generations from an original source.