The expanse of earth and sky in my work invites the viewer to glimpse a sense of the Mysterium Tremendum. Our intrinsic connection to the land as it nourishes us both spiritually and physically is an inseparable component to the impenetrable mysteries of the human condition. As I contemplate the landscape as place and space created for human beings to exist in the world, I am filled with humility and feelings of connectedness to something much more profound than myself, a part of something bigger. Probing the pastoral subject through my painting provides the opportunity to examine the past and present, and expresses the longing for a return to a state of grace.
My vision is informed by my spiritual beliefs as I reach to explore the numinous in the natural world, the seen and the unseen. The process of painting these imaginary, waking, dream spaces is an opportunity to reach for a harmony of line, color and tonal value that exceeds the boundaries of traditional pastoral art. My approach to romanticism in the 21st Century is to create an arena that is inclusive, inviting and inspiring.