1855-1936 Homer Ransford Watson, born at Doon, Ontario. He began as an assistant at the Notman photographic studios, Toronto (1874-1875), then visited New York (1876-1877) and painted along the Hudson River and in the Adirondacks. For ten years after his return to Canada his style reflected the general influence of the Hudson River School. During a visit to England (1887-1890) he was influenced by Constable's works and was a friend of Sir George Clausen. In the nineties his work also showed the influence of George Inness; and still later (about 1900) he attempted a monumental and poetic style. Visited England several times but lived mostly at Doon. A.R.C.A. in 1880, R.C.A. in 1882; P.R.C.A., 1918-1922. Died in bankruptcy at Doon. Landscape painter.