1900-1994 Painter, muralist, watercolourist, printmaker, illustrator. Charles Fraser Comfort, born in Edinburgh. Came to Winnipeg in 1912 and studied at the Winnipeg School of Art and in New York at the Art Students League, under Robert Henri and E. Allen Tucker. Settled in Toronto in 1925. A.R.C.A. in 1936, R.C.A. in 1942, P.R.C.A. in 1957. Has made several mural decorations including those in the Toronto Stock Exchange, 1937, and the Central Station, Montreal, 1942. Founding member of the Canadian Group of Painters, 1933. As an official war artist with the Army, 1943-1946, he painted in Italy and northern Europe. Has painted a number of murals and taught mural painting at the Ontario College of Art. Taught at Ontario College of Art, Toronto, 1934-1938; University of Toronto, 1938-1942, 1946-1960; University of Alberta, Banff, summers 1941, 1948. Author of Artist at War (1956). Was the Director of the National Gallery of Canada, 1960.